Resting metabolic rate is defined as the lowest rate of body metabolism (energy use) that can sustain life. This information is beneficial to know for people who are trying to lose weight and have tried dieting along with daily exercise with little to no weight loss. The test is done in the office in the morning after the individual has been fasting for 8 hours and has not participated in exercise for at least 24 hours. The individual will be hooked up to a gas analyzer in a supine position. They will be instructed to be as calm and still as they can without falling asleep. Data will be collected for about 30 minutes. At the end of the test, the data will show how many calories this particular individual is burning throughout the day only during rest. From there we can factor in daily exercise expenditure. Other factors that can affect how many calories one is burning throughout the day is body temperature, psychological stress, and hormones. After all the data is accounted for and we have an idea how many calories one is burning during the day, then we can assess how many calories should be consumed in order to lose weight.